The 1994 Major league baseball strike led to the cancellation of 948 games and the entire post season and the World Series.
The relevance of the above action is an important foot note on any response to what happened to Manny Ramirez yesterday. Major league baseball needed something to get the public excited about baseball and return to the park.
That next season saw an epic home run battle by Sammy Sosa and Mark McGuire. The list of other mediocre players hitting home runs was ridiculous. The fuel of choice back then was Andro, the rub, the clear and Hgh. What ever happened to Tang?
If you think there is any sport in the world that is not full of people using you performance enhancing drugs than you are the one high on crack.
Steroids, HGH, cow urine, horse feces, or West African bullfrog semen. Is Pete Rose still not in the Baseball hall of fame for betting on his own team to win games?
If you honestly think that in the last 10 years one team for even one season had NO PLAYERS using Steroids or HGH you’re kidding yourself. Please save the, “Oh but this guy only did it for one year,” and, “No one knows how long he was doing it.” Save that.
I guess my point is this. Baseball is not much different than a Urban Cougar. She was getting a little old and tired looking so she went in for some work. Botox, tummy tuck and Boob Job.
Major League baseball went the same route.
Manny got caught loaded up with female Estrogen. My old Red Sox Manny jersey always fit me a little weird in the chest area and now I know why.