I still couldnt move hours after the race had ended.
The yellow fork life behind me should do the trick.
112 th Boston Marathon Finish Line
I should have known I was in trouble when I bought my training schedule from a guy on E-Bay. The auction item read as follows:
For Sale, “7-Week Boston Marathon Training Schedule.” Only used once. This is guaranteed to get you to the finish line (although it may be in a wheel barrel or ambulance).
Start with a zero running base and run a 10 miler for your first long run. Increase mileage by 2 miles each week until you get to 18 miles. This will take you 5 weekends. After you complete the 18 miler, you will need to start your taper.
During the taper, feel free to indulge in plenty of high risk sports. Such events as bike racing, luge or “Tap Out Wrestling” are recommended. Continue to drink like a fish.
Don’t run during the week days. Don’t do any planned marathon pace runs. Don’t even think about running any mile repeats. If you are part of a running club and you have a mid-week night to run, it’s OK to run with the group, but don’t push it and make sure to go out after wards to “ Red Robin “ or the “ Tartan.”
My time was about 1 hour slower than my last Marathon. It would be so easy to blame it on e-bay and buy it now option. Funny thing was after 20 marathons or so. This was my favorite race. Interval mile repeats are really helpful for race day. But when things go south its better to have a sense of humour.