Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Suck it France

Lance shown here just a few minutes up the road from me at this years Boston Marathon has decided to return to professional cycling.

I called Lance to ask why....Lance said After beating me in this years Boston Marathon he knew he had done all he could do in the world of running. I offed my help in getting him back on the bike.

He said he may be at the Saturday ride next week and wanted to know who the four horseman were and do Health Net riders get free medical and dental ?

Welcome back Lance , Eat it France.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Where are these Squirrels coming from ?

Is it just my imagination or is there an inordinate amount of squirrels on baseball field this summer.

When I was a kid . They had many give a way nights to get you to the ballfield. There were such classics as the Met life windbreaker, Disco sucks and Hat night. Now adays the parks offer the stuff that really gets the kids out. Thunder sticks, Big Daddy Vlady bobble heads and Those giant foam fingers.

All of the above are great give aways and surely get an extra 20 kids to the park.

In my opinion if you really want to see attendance at baseball games pick up you need to randomly release some type of VAR MIT onto the field. Now the fat umpire chasing down the squirrel is good comedy but lets flip it. On any given night a cheetah or cougar would be released. Who wouldn't pay good money to see AROD mauled by a wild animal.

Anyhow I have forwarded my suggestions to the Pittsburgh pirates. Next season they will give it a try. They will promote Jack Hannah Night. Baseball just got fun again.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

No more Socks and Sandals

Last night I attended a Pizza Party for a local cyclist. Now when I say cyclist I mean a Cyclist. I was the only person at the table that did not own 5 bikes.

This crew of people consists of many people who actually ride Mountain, single speed; Time Trial, Road, Cruiser, and City. I think Matt Freeman may even have a Rickshaw in his garage.

You know you’re a big time Cyclist when an employee of Trek drives you to the Party and makes sure you get home safely.

I digress as usual. The reason I thought I would mention this crew is the following. Most of them have blogs and race and win many Mountain bike events. At these events they take many pictures suitable for framing. The picture invariably has somebody in that coveted sock and sandal combination.

When did it become fashionable to pull off the “Del Boca Vista “
Look. I see this at many bike races. Is it really too difficult to sport a pair of slaps before or after the event without those lame themed sock.

So listen up cycle dorks, Its Shoes and socks. Just socks or sandals no other combination is allowable unless your 85.