Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Coffee Shop or Apartment ?
Elwood came to the Coffee shop for the " fake studying" , He meet many ladies with his LLU Dental school T-Shirt.
The other day was my birthday. Another Hallmark holiday. I don’t know what disturbed me more. The people who didn’t send me a card or the people who did? If you Google my name does it tell my birthday and real age, crap!
Anyhow, here’s another observation that can only be traced to my age.
When did the purchase of a cup of coffee entitle you to a day of home ownership? Best I can tell you can show up at Stell’s around 7: 00 am. For the purchase of one cup of coffee you will receive the following:
- A table and chair
- Unlimited use of Electrical outlet.
- Air conditioning
- Bathroom
- Free refill of your coffee.
- Free honey, sugar and milk and water.
If I owned a coffee shop, I would serve the coffee in three sizes. Scram, Beat it and get the Hell out of here. Is there any other business in America that lets you just hang out all day in there building for $ 1.50. If I ever loose my job. I am going to sleep at the Y at night and then just hang out at coffee shops all day. In Redlands we have enough shops that I could probably have a 10 location rotation.
Why do they refill coffee for free? Why is beer one and done. How come I can’t get a free refill at hangar 24? Is a “HOP “more expensive than a coffee bean?
See you all at the coffee shop. I will be the guy with the Commodore 64 and a cup of”I have no place to be for 8 hours. “