There are two types of people in this world. The ones who get it and the ones who don’t.
Get what you’re asking.
That all of life can be traced to a little show called Seinfeld.
From 1990 thru 1998 we were given 180 episodes of Seinfeld. Until the advent of this show many of us just thought the daily freak show that we endured was unique to each of us.
This last year reminded me of how important Seinfeld is.
The root of many mistakes we all make can be traced to the worlds colliding episode. In life you should never let your worlds collide.
When your worlds start to collide you may have to lay low while the dust settles. A good place to do this is in a Bubble. The bubble Boy all taught us that a plastic bubble is a nice get away.
Once the heat is off you might head out to dinner with the family. Just remember that your nana may have owned a pony even though you hate ponies.
If you find yourself a little sluggish before a ride you might reach for a “mango “.
During my lay off I went shopping for a little support. I still can’t decide between the “bro” or the “Manzere. “
I went to Panera bread the other day for soup. I asked for small turkey bisque. When I asked for bread I was refused service for one year.
That seemed a little harsh so I headed over to H & H Bagel. The strike seemed to finally be over. I can still hear the echoes of no bagel, no bagel.
As you can see there are really no way you can go through a morning let alone an entire day without a Seinfeld reference? Just remember as funny as those shows were they all had more messages than an after school special starring blossom.
The next time you find yourself doing something that seems very familiar. Ask yourself what George would do. And if you find yourself in a situation George was in you are already in big trouble.
So as you head through this year remember that your only chance at success may be to do the opposite.
Good Luck and Serenity Now !