Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Lots of things have Changed since last I rode
The world has Changed since the last time I rode my bike. I got out the other day for my first venture on the road and I was struck by the many things that have changed since last time I rode.
I spent lots of time in the gym during the last 90 days. In the past I would ask someone If I could work in with them on a machine. Now you just have to wait for them to finish sending a Text message. Sorry fatty that does not count as cross training.
I have lots of Insurance , I changed to State Farm. I have have auto , home , fire , earthquake , locus swarm , life and something called an umbrella. Oops I don't have Life they wouldn't take that risk, do you blame them?
I was attacked by a pack of wild bees. I remembered Dane Cook and I punched one of them in the face. Damn that felt good to punch a bee in the face.
Someone was yelling hey fattass from a 1988 Honda civic in Mentone. I couldn't figure out who he was yelling at. I looked around and couldn't see anyone else ?
I have a new Bike. I figured this will be the toughest of all my comebacks. So I will need a technologically advanced steed to find my way back to my place in the riding world. I have no place in the riding world, that will never change.
The value of my 401k and Home have changed . Thank God another 600 stimulus check is in the mail. that should pay for some pedals for my bike. Will they change the name from 401 k to something else. 401 k just sounds like something that would have a really big number in it...mine does not.
My State Tax Refund is going to be paid as an I OWE YOU. I remembered they did that in dumb and dumber with the money in the suitcase. I would file early if I were you.