In the World of Cycling I race under assumed names and pseudonyms.
My best race results can often be traced under the name " Unknown rider "
I have accumulated many points under this tag and an upgrade.
Before any big race I ask myself the basic question. Why would anyone
put there lives in these other dorks hands. Or more importantly do they realize
I have there lives in my hands.
Below is my place of choice at any " Crit " lead out when I see a
guy with a camera or a relative in the crowd. In a few more laps I will fake a mechanical and steer into a bush.
Here is my prodigy Travis earlier in the day working on the upgrade.
The trick is to have enough medical coverage and gas money to race 10 times as a Cat 5.
He ended up taking 2ND. He received a medal , 2 cliff bars and a patch kit.
Since I felt the prize for 2ND place was pretty lame I arraigned for
Travis to get his picture taken with a Swedish swimsuit model.